health services

booster dose kuwait registration 2022/ 2023

booster dose kuwait registration 2022/ 2023

The booster dose kuwait registration or the third dose of the corona vaccine is the dose given to those who have completed their vaccination with two doses of one of the vaccines approved in the State of Kuwait, which depends on stimulating the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that enhance the ability of the immune system to confront the virus, and identify it quickly and then deal with it before it spreads in the body.


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booster dose kuwait

what is the booster dose kuwait registration? Kuwait has reinforced its precautionary measures Aiming to limit the spread of the Omicron mutant from the Coronavirus, where the Kuwaiti civil aviation authorities imposed on citizens to receive the booster dose of the “Corona” vaccine for those who have been vaccinated 9 months ago to travel abroad and the registration can be done through one of these means:

  • Registration on the e-mail Public Health: Those wishing to benefit from the booster dose can register their desire to receive the vaccination via the janjj page, where an appointment is available for the vaccination.
  • Contacting primary health care through the hotline
  • Book an appointment through the “Narakum” application for primary health care disease.
  • Visit the health center to book an appointment.
  • Call customer service “Hayyak” for primary health care on the toll-free number 107 to request assistance.

booster dose kuwait registration

booster dose kuwait registration of the COVID-19 vaccine in the State of Kuwait is done through the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health website by following these steps and Ensuring that the data entered are correct:

  • Enter the active dose registration site of the Ministry of Health.
  • Enter the following data:
    • Civil ID No
    • Serial Number
    • Reference name.
  • Select the gender.
  • Select the nationality.
  • Enter the following data as well:
    • Passport number.
    • Date of Birth.
    • Mobile Phone Number.
    • E-mail address.
  • Enter vaccination history data, which includes: (The date of the first dose, the Site of the Producing company, The date of the second dose, and the product site).

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booster dose kuwait registration 2022/ 2023

booster dose kuwait appointment

It is possible to schedule a booster dose kuwait appointment by calling the hotline or through the “we take you; nareakum” mobile application of the Primary Health Care Corporation, as this application provides many services and advantages that will contribute to facilitating the vaccination process against the Coronavirus. and this appointment can be scheduled by following these steps:​

  • Go to the Ministry of Health website or enter the link to register for the corona vaccination for the third dose.
  • From the list of electronic health services, choose a pre-registration for the COVID-19 vaccination from the “My Appointments” list.
  • Add the beneficiary’s identity data.
  • Add all the information about the residential address
  • It is also necessary to determine the professions, as well as the level of education.
  • Add an email address in the field provided for it.
  • Select the appropriate options from the medical history as well as the excluded categories.
  • Agree to the terms by pressing the button designated for that.
  • Click on the Submit icon.

booster dose kuwait timing

The Primary Health Care Corporation has started providing booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to all people who have received the second dose of the vaccine for six months, where this organization contacts people who are eligible to receive their booster dose directly to schedule an appointment to do so, and anyone who is eligible and has not yet been contacted can call the Primary Health Care Corporation hotline on 40277077 to schedule an appointment.

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Health announced the start of providing the booster dose of the Corona virus vaccine after the spread of the new Omicron mutant, as it spreads faster than the Coronavirus, which necessitated the intervention of this Ministry, which made a tremendous effort to eliminate it.

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