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dependent visa kuwait: Updated Family Visa Rules 2024

dependent visa kuwait: Updated Family Visa Rules 2023

dependent visa kuwait pertains to visas designed for the family members of expatriates employed in the country. This article will explore additional details about this visa category, including any new regulations implemented in 2023, the prerequisites for application, necessary documentation, and other pertinent information.

dependent visa kuwait

dependent visa kuwait often referred to as the family visa, falls under the umbrella of Kuwaiti residence visas, allowing employed individuals in Kuwait to bring their families to live with them in the country. To exemplify, once a dependent visa is obtained in Kuwait, a man has the chance to bring his wife and children to reside with him in Kuwait.

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kuwait dependent visa new rules 2024

Staying informed about the most recent rules and regulations for Kuwait’s dependent visa is vital for a successful application process. In 2023, the rules for Kuwait’s dependent visa encompass the following:

  • Eligibility: The main applicant must be a legal resident or citizen of Kuwait, and dependents must have a legitimate relationship.
  • Age Limit: Children above 21 are not eligible for a dependent visa.
  • Financial Stability: The primary applicant must meet income requirements to support dependents.
  • Medical Exam: All applicants, including dependents, need to undergo a medical examination.
  • Insurance: Health insurance is mandatory for all dependents.
  • Sponsorship Transfer: Dependent visa sponsorship can be transferred with the consent of both current and new sponsors.
  • Renewal: Dependent visas require periodic renewal with updated documents.

kuwait dependent visa requirements 

Securing a Kuwait-dependent visa hinges on meeting specific requirements, ensuring a streamlined and successful application process. Here are some key requirements:

  • Article 17 Visa (Public Sector): Monthly earnings of 450KD ($1496) required.
  • Article 18 Visa (Private Sector): Monthly earnings of 650KD ($2160) required.
  • Parental Sponsorship: Both parents must work in Kuwait, with combined salaries exceeding 350KD ($1163).
  • Entry Procedures: Mandatory medical tests and fingerprinting for dependents.
  • Documentation: Provide documents similar to the sponsor, excluding the salary certificate.
  • Sponsor’s Declaration: A commitment to support the dependent in Kuwait is necessary.
  • Spousal Sponsorship: Wives cannot sponsor husbands.
  • Age Restrictions: Parents cannot fund sons over 21 years old.
  • Work Restrictions: Dependents cannot work until they convert to a Kuwaiti work visa.

 kuwait dependent visa documents required

The Kuwait dependent visa application necessitates the submission of essential documents, including but not limited to:

Passport Photocopy

Submit a photocopy of the dependent’s passport.

Salary Certificate

Provide the sponsor’s salary certificate.

Civil ID Copy

Include a copy of the dependent’s civil ID.

Authenticated Certificates

Obtain marriage or childbirth certificates authenticated by the sponsor’s embassy in their home country.

 How to obtain a dependent visa?

To obtain a dependent visa in Kuwait, individuals need to follow a structured process, including the following steps:

  1. Visit Jawazaat Bureau: Go to the Jawazaat bureau located in Shuwaikh.
  2. Application Form: Complete the application form, which is in Arabic “Dependent visa Form”.
  3. Typist Assistance: If not fluent in Arabic, consider hiring a bilingual typist to assist with form completion.

kuwait dependent visa open date

Kuwait is gearing up to reinstate dependent visas in 2023, marking the end of a temporary suspension imposed during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Commencing from January 2023, the Kuwaiti government has taken the initiative to reopen dependent visas.

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kuwait dependent visa minimum salary 2024

To secure a dependent or family visa, expatriates earning 800 Kuwaiti Dinars must furnish an original work permit or any supporting evidence. It’s essential to note that no additional income documents or proofs will be considered during the application process, emphasizing the significance of a valid work permit or equivalent documentation.

dependent visa kuwait: Updated Family Visa Rules 2023

In conclusion, dependent visa kuwait in Kuwait involves adherence to specific eligibility criteria, submission of required documentation, and compliance with regulations set by Kuwaiti immigration authorities.

Frequently Asked Questions

<strong>What is a dependent visa in Kuwait?</strong>
A dependent visa in Kuwait, also called a family visa, allows employed individuals to bring their spouses, children, or parents to live with them in the country, granting them residence rights.
<strong>What is the minimum salary to get a dependent visa in Kuwait?</strong>
To be eligible for a dependent visa in Kuwait, the candidate must have a minimum salary of 800 KD.
<strong>Am I allowed to be the sponsor for my wife to come to Kuwait?</strong>
Yes, after acquiring residency in Kuwait, a working man has the option to bring his wife and children to live with him in the country.

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