health services

gamca medical status: Your Path to Well-being

gamca medical status: Your Path to Well-being

gamca medical status is an online facility offered by GAMCA, an association of accredited medical centers designated by the Gulf Cooperation Council GCC nations for conducting medical assessments on foreign workers. This article will guide you through the process of confirming your gamca medical status.


gamca medical status

gamca medical status pertains to the outcome of a medical examination administered by a medical facility authorized by GAMCA for expatriates. It serves as an indication of the expatriate’s fitness or unfitness to pursue employment in GCC nations. This evaluation is alternatively referred to as the GAMCA medical report.

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wafid gamca medical status

Wafid is a program operating under the Gulf Health Council that allows individuals destined for employment or residence in the GCC to conveniently book their medical check-up appointments and verify their medical status, ensuring they are fit for their intended activities.

check medical status online

Those who have undergone both the medical examination and made the necessary payment can access their test results through an online process by adhering to the following instructions:

  1. Access the Wafid online portal “Click here“.
  2. Go to “Medical Examinations” and click “View Medical Reports.”
  3. Input your passport number and nationality.
  4. Click on the ‘Check’ button, and you will be able to access your medical test report status online.

check medical status Offline

Another option for obtaining your test results is to visit any of the GAMCA offices. You can furnish your name, passport number, and the date of your examination to the GAMCA staff, who will then print out your test results and provide them to you in person.

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gamca medical examination requirements

GAMCA Medical Status requirements are customized by Location and Job role, with Common Essentials Such as:
  1. Original passport along with a photocopy.
  2. Two recent passport-sized photographs.
  3. Photocopy of your visa in addition to the visa copy.
  4. Work permit or employment contract from your employer.
  5. Completed medical history form.
  6. Payment of the medical examination fee.

gamca medical test procedures

The procedures for the GAMCA medical test involve a series of health assessments and examinations to determine an individual’s suitability for work or residence in GCC countries. Here are some of the key procedures involved in the GAMCA medical test:

  • Schedule: Book your appointment with a GAMCA-approved medical center.
  • Examination: Undergo a physical exam, lab tests, and chest X-ray.
  • Questionnaire: Complete a health questionnaire.
  • Review: Medical history and results are reviewed.
  • Report: Receive a medical status report.
  • Submission: Provide the report to your employer or authorities as needed.
  • Follow-Up: Address any identified health issues.

types of gamca medical report status

The GAMCA medical report status sorts people based on their medical test results, ultimately determining if they are eligible for work or residence in GCC countries. Here are the various types of GAMCA medical report statuses:

  • Fit Status: Indicates overall physical fitness, approved by GAMCA or GCCHMC.
  • Unfit Status: Hinders future GCC visa prospects, especially for TB or HIV diagnoses.
  • Retest Status: Suggested for minor health issues, requiring a retest after six months.

gamca medical status: Your Path to Well-being

In conclusion, gamca medical status serves as a vital assessment ensuring the health and fitness of expatriates seeking opportunities in GCC countries. This thorough evaluation helps maintain the well-being of both individuals and host nations, contributing to safer and healthier working and living environments.

Frequently Asked Questions

<strong>What does GAMCA medical status refer to?</strong>
GAMCA medical status pertains to an individual’s health evaluation, determining their fitness for work or residency in GCC countries based on medical examination results.
<strong>What are the types of f GAMCA medical report status?</strong>
GAMCA medical report statuses include “Fit,” “Unfit,” and “Temporary Unfit,” each signifying unique health assessments that influence eligibility for work or residency in GCC nations.
<strong>What is the duration of a GAMCA medical examination?</strong>
As of now, candidates can typically receive their results from the GAMCA medical examination within a maximum of 26 days.

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