Administrative Services

hajj register awqaf gov kw: Simplify Your Manasik Al-Hajj

hajj register awqaf gov kw: Simplify Your Hajj Journey

hajj register awqaf gov kw serves as your access point to enroll in the Hajj pilgrimage program from Kuwait, enabling you to complete this fundamental obligation of Islam. In this article, we will delve deeper into hajj register awqaf, which is offered by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, to provide you with further insights and information.


Table of Contents


hajj register awqaf gov kw

hajj register awqaf gov kw a digital service established by Kuwait’s Ministry of Awqaf and administered by the Hajj and Umrah Affairs Department, streamlines the electronic registration procedure for those desiring to partake in the Hajj pilgrimage during the year 1445 Hijri (Islamic calendar). This registration process entails the submission of personal information, and the fate of each application rests on a set of criteria evaluated by the competent authority responsible for overseeing Hajj affairs in Kuwait.

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Hajj register awqaf gov kw online

The online platform, Hajj register awqaf gov kw, provides a convenient and effective method for individuals to both register for and oversee their Hajj pilgrimage applications, all from the convenience of their residences. To embark on the journey of fulfilling the Hajj obligation, individuals should adhere to the subsequent guidelines:

  1. Visit “From Here“.
  2. Fill in your “Civil ID number”, “sequential number”, “name”, and “phone number”.
  3. Choose your pilgrimage type “Sunni” or “Jaafari”.
  4. Indicate if you have companions with you.
  5. Enter your companions’ details.
  6. Agree to the terms and click “Submit Application”.
  7. Wait for the results.
  8. If accepted, register with your chosen Hajj company.

Inquiry service about Haj data

Individuals can easily access information and updates about the confirmation form for registering for an authorized pilgrim campaign, which is managed by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, through the Kuwait government online. Follow these steps to utilize this service:

eservices awqaf gov kw

eServices at provide a convenient and efficient way for individuals to access a wide range of online services related to religious and charitable affairs, making government interactions more accessible and streamlined. Here are some of the eServices available on

Citizen Service Office
Electronic Fatwa service
Inquiry service about Haj data
Project support request
Higher education scholarship application service
Higher education scholarship application service – holders of a Kuwaiti certificate
Scholarship application service at the level of high school /religious education
Mosque search service
The service of requesting to reserve a hall in the Grand Mosque
A service to request a subscription to the Islamic Awareness magazine
Electronic reading subscription service
Subscription service for the Holy Quran classes

You can now conveniently access these services and more on the website, simplifying your engagement with religious and charitable matters administered by the government.

hajj register awqaf gov kw: Simplify Your Hajj Journey

In conclusion, hajj register awqaf gov kw provided by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs in Kuwait, is a valuable online platform that facilitates the registration and management of Hajj pilgrimage applications. This digital service streamlines the process for individuals, offering a convenient and efficient way to fulfill their religious obligation to perform Hajj.

Frequently Asked Questions

<strong>How to register for Hajj in Kuwait ?</strong>
By visiting the official website, You can register for Hajj in Kuwait.
<strong>When is the registration deadline for Hajj in Kuwait?</strong>
The Hajj registration period in Kuwait begins on October 1, 2023, and continues until November 10, 2023.
<strong>What are the requirements for registering for Hajj in Kuwait?</strong>
The registration requirements for Hajj in Kuwait include a valid Civil ID, personal information, companions’ details (if applicable), online access, adherence to deadlines, and potential payments.

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