Administrative Services

kuwait residency renewal online 2023

kuwait residency renewal online 2023

Kuwait residency renewal online refers to the process of renewing a residency permit in Kuwait through the Ministry of Interior’s e-services portal. This process allows individuals to renew their residency permits without having to visit a physical office. 

In today’s article, we will learn about the steps for renewing residency in Kuwait and the legal procedures that are required. Afterward, we will also provide a link to the Ministry of Interior’s e-services portal for your convenience, so you can easily access the online residency renewal service.

kuwait residency renewal online

Before beginning the kuwait residency renewal online process, it’s important to gather all of the necessary documents and information. This includes a valid passport, your current residency permit, and proof of employment or sponsorship, such as a contract. Once you have all of the required documents and information, you can proceed with the following steps:

  1. Create an account on the Ministry of Interior’s e-services portal.
  2. Log in to your account and select the option for residency renewal.
  3. Fill out the online application form with your personal information and the details of your sponsorship.
  4. Upload copies of the required documents, such as your valid passport, your current residency permit, and your employment or sponsorship contract.
  5. Pay the required fees online.
  6. Wait for the application to be processed. The Ministry of Interior will review your application and documents and issue a decision.

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kuwait dependent visa renewal online

The process for renewing a dependent visa in Kuwait online is similar to the process for renewing a regular residency permit. However, there may be some additional requirements and documents needed for dependent visa renewal, as dependents are linked to the sponsorship of a Kuwaiti citizen. To renew your dependent visa online, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Create an account on the Ministry of Interior’s e-services portal.
  • Log in to your account and select the option for dependent visa renewal.
  • Fill out the online application form with your personal information and the details of your sponsorship.
  • Upload copies of the required documents, such as your valid passport, your current dependent visa, and your marriage or birth certificate.
  • Pay the required fees online.
  • Wait for the application to be processed. The Ministry of Interior will review your application and documents and issue a decision.

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kuwait residency renewal rules

The rules for renewing a residency permit in Kuwait are set by the Ministry of Interior and may change from time to time. However, generally speaking, the following rules apply for renewing a residency permit in Kuwait:

  • Residency permits must be renewed before their expiration date. Failure to renew a residency permit on time may result in fines and legal issues.
  • Renewals are typically done through the Ministry of Interior’s e-services portal or at designated immigration offices.
  • The individual must be present in Kuwait at the time of renewal.
  • A valid passport and a copy of the current residency permit must be provided.
  • Proof of employment or sponsorship must be provided, such as a contract or letter from the sponsor.
  • The individual must pay the renewal fee, which varies depending on the type of permit and the length of time for which it is being renewed.
  • The Ministry of Interior will review the application and documents, and issue a decision.
  • It’s important to check the Ministry of Interior’s website for the most up-to-date information and to contact them if you have any questions or issues with the application process.

kuwait residency renewal online 2023

online appointment for fingerprint kuwait

In Kuwait, individuals are required to provide their fingerprints as part of the residency renewal process. The fingerprints are taken at the Ministry of Interior and you can schedule your appointment online via the Ministry of Interior’s e-services portal. To schedule an appointment for fingerprinting, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Create an account on the Ministry of Interior’s e-services portal.
  2. Log in to your account and select the option for scheduling a fingerprint appointment.
  3. Select the date and time that is most convenient for you.
  4. Confirm your appointment by paying the required fee online.
  5. Print out the confirmation of your appointment and bring it with you to your scheduled fingerprinting appointment at the Ministry of Interior.

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The Ministry of Interior (MOI) in Kuwait has an e-services portal on its website,, where individuals can access information and services related to their civil ID cards.

The civil ID card is an identification document issued by the MOI that includes personal information such as the individual’s name, photograph, and fingerprint data. The civil ID card also includes information about the individual’s residency status in Kuwait.

In conclusion, kuwait residency renewal online is the process of renewing a residency permit through the Ministry of Interior’s e-services portal. This process involves submitting an application and required documents, paying the renewal fee, and waiting for the Ministry of Interior to process the application and issue a decision.  

 Frequently asked questions

<strong>Who is eligible to renew their residency permit online in Kuwait?</strong>
Individuals who are currently living in Kuwait and hold a valid residency permit are eligible to renew their permit online through the Ministry of Interior’s e-services portal.
<strong>What documents are required for online residency renewal in Kuwait?</strong>
The required documents may vary depending on an individual’s specific circumstances and the type of residency they hold. Typically, a valid passport, a copy of the current residency permit, and proof of employment or sponsorship (such as a contract or letter from the sponsor) are required.
<strong>How much does it cost to renew a residency permit online in Kuwait?</strong>
The cost of renewing a residency permit may vary depending on an individual’s specific circumstances and the type of residency they hold.


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