public services

kuwait traffic fine online check

kuwait traffic fine online check

kuwait traffic fine online check is one of the electronic services provided by the Ministry of Interior, the General Directorate of Traffic in the State of Kuwait, which enables the Kuwaiti citizen and expatriates to inquire about the violations registered against them from anywhere and at any time without the need to visit the traffic departments in the country, and we will learn through this article the most important steps how to check traffic fines online in kuwait,


Table of Contents


kuwait traffic fine online check

kuwait traffic fine online check can be done through the website of the General Traffic Department, Ministry of Interior, Kuwait, by following the following steps:

  • step 1: Enter the website of the General Directorate of Traffic and the Ministry of Interior via the following link:
  • step2: Define “individuals”.
  • step 3: Enter the civil number.
  • step 4: Click on the query icon.
  • step 5: You will see all the recorded violations, prompting the entered civil number.

kuwait traffic fine online check


check traffic violations kuwait

Corresponds to the number of points = each traffic violation that is issued in the presence of the violator, and after a certain number of points is collected, the specific penalty for each violation and the number of times it is repeated will be determined. Here we will learn about the most important procedures stipulated in the Kuwaiti Traffic Law in this regard:

kuwait traffic fine

There are many procedures stipulated by the Kuwait Traffic Law against the violator regarding violations and the total number of points in exchange for the penalty imposed on them, and here we will provide all the details about the most important procedures stipulated in the law against the violator:

  • If the total score is 14 points for the first time, the violator will be deprived of a driver’s license for a period of approximately 3 consecutive months.
  • If the total points are 12 points for the 2sd time, the violator will be deprived of his driving license for a period of approximately 6 consecutive months.
  • If the total points are 10 points for the 3rd time, the violator will be deprived of his driving license for a period of approximately 9 consecutive months.
  • If the total points are 8 points for the 4th time, the violator will be deprived of a driver’s license for a period of approximately 12 consecutive months.
  • If the total points are 6 points for the 5th time, the violator’s driving license will be permanently withdrawn and he must re-pass the test stipulated in Article 16 of the Traffic Law to obtain a new driving license.

Table of violations and fines in Kuwait

The table below shows all the names of violations, fines, traffic points, and the maximum period of imprisonment, according to what was renewed by the court.

code charge description the traffic court
reconciliation points


no more

the fine

no more

33011 Violation of driving a motor vehicle without a driver’s license 30 Nothing Three months 100
33012 Violation of driving a motorbike without a driving license  30 Nothing Three months  100
33013 Violation of driving a motor vehicle with a license that does not allow it to be driven 30 3 Three months 100
33014 Violation of driving a motor vehicle with a license to be withdrawn 30 3 Three months 100
33015 Violation of driving a motor vehicle with a license suspended 30 3 Three months 100
33021 Violation of reckless driving and endangering the driver, passengers, or others 30 4 Three months 100
33022 Violation of neglecting driving and endangering the driver, passengers, or others 30 4 Three months 100
33023 Violation of negligent driving and endangering the driver, passengers, or others 30 4 Three months 100
33024 Violation of not paying attention while driving and endangering the driver, passengers, or others 30 4 Three months 100
33031 Violation of not parking and informing the police if it causes an accident 30 Nothing Three months 100
33032 Violation of public morals 30 3 Three months 100
33041 Violation of repairing an accident without written permission from the competent authority 30 Nothing Three months 100
33042 Violation of working on the roads without a traffic permit 30 Nothing Three months 100
33051 Violation of driving an unlicensed motor vehicle 30 3 Three months 100
 33052 Violation of the terms of commercial plates 30 3 Three months 100
 33053 Violation of driving a motor vehicle without its license plate 30 3 Three months 100
 33054 Driving a vehicle with unpaid license plates 30 3 Three months 100
 33055 Violation of changing some or all of the original plate numbers 30 3 Three months 100
 33056 Driving a vehicle with forged license plates 30 3 Three months 100
 33061 Violation of proving false information to obtain a driving license 30 3 Three months 100
 33062 Violation of proving false information to obtain a driving license 30 3 Three months 100
 33063 Violation of proving false information to obtain an education permit 30 3 Three months 100
 33064 Violation of proving false information to obtain a copy of the license 30 3 Three months 100
 33065 Violation of proving false data to obtain a lost replacement 30 3 Three months 100
 33071 Violation of passing a red light 50 4 Three months 300
 33081 Violation of exceeding the speed limit by no more than 50 km 20 4 Three months 100
 33082 Violation of exceeding the speed limit by no more than 30 km 30 4 Three months 100
 33083 Violation of exceeding the speed limit by no more than 40 km 40 4 Three months 100
 33084 Violation of exceeding the speed limit above 40 km 50 4 Three months 100
 33091 Violation of racing without a permit on the roads 50 3 Three months 100

you can read also about that: kuwait police number , emergency numbers kuwait

kuwait traffic fine online check steps is a service of interest to every citizen in the State of Kuwait, provided by the Ministry of Interior, the General Traffic Department, in a digital form, in order to facilitate the process of completing it for citizens and also to avoid any delay or failure to pay the dues of the registered violations.

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