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part time house maid job in kuwait salwa

part time house maid job in kuwait salwa

part time house maid job in kuwait salwa to provide exceptional home services to all Kuwaiti customers who encounter many important occasions that require maids’ assistance in all tasks such as cleaning, cooking, taking care of children…etc. And the application for these jobs is done by contacting the part-time maid offices in Kuwait that seek to satisfy the customer and the worker at the same time.


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part-time housemaid job in kuwait

part time house maid job in kuwait salwa and all the governorates of Kuwait requires a lot of honesty and sincerity at work, as working as a housemaid is among the jobs that impose respect and commitment to a set of basics, because the maid works in a random house for hours only to search again for another house, so she must respect the following rules:

  • Be careful not to damage or steal any furniture from the customer’s home.
  • Avoid all behaviors that may anger the client, such as eavesdropping on their conversations or gossip…etc.
  • Pay attention to personal hygiene.
  • Perform the assigned tasks perfectly.
  • Commitment to the employment contract.
  • Respecting the client’s privacy and not entering the rooms without permission.

read about: housemaid job in kuwait


part time house maid job in kuwait salwa

part time house maid job in kuwait salwa for those wishing to work in this field, which often does not require an educational qualification, as many Kuwaiti housewives resort to the maid offices mentioned below to obtain quick cleaning services and great assistance in most household chores such as cooking, hospitality, and childcare as well.

  • The King’s office served half-hourly, and they can be contacted via the following number 60653548.
  • Al-Hamid office for hourly servants and their contact number is 50837576.
  • iClean office cleaning by the hour and they can be contacted via the number 99318347.

part time house maid job in kuwait salwa

part-time housemaids’ tasks 

The tasks of housemaids in Kuwait vary according to the maids’ offices and the client’s needs, but some tasks are permanently repeated in part-time contracts, including the following:

  • Cleaning tasks: they vary based on the period chosen by the customer.
  • Cooking tasks: the housemaid cooks at least one meal a day and three meals as a maximum.
  • Taking care of children:  in case their parents are absent.
  • Hospitality tasks: it is required on occasions and holidays.

In conclusion, part time house maid job in kuwait salwa enables expatriate women to work in two jobs with the least possible effort, as the housemaid can work in two or three different homes on the same day thanks to the part-time offices in Kuwait.

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