part time job in salmiya allows individuals to work fewer hours and have more flexibility in their schedules, which can be beneficial for those with other commitments such as school or family obligations, as well as, providing them with additional income to help cover expenses or save for the future, and gaining a valuable work experience and the opportunity to learn new skills, which can be beneficial for those looking to advance their careers or explore new fields.
Table of Contents
part time job in salmiya
A part time job in salmiya can be a great opportunity for anyone looking to earn extra income, gain work experience, or learn new skills. These types of jobs typically involve working fewer hours per week than a full-time job, which can provide flexibility for those who have other commitments such as school or family responsibilities. There are a variety of industries in Salmiya that offer part-time employment opportunities, including customer service, retail, and food service.
To find a part-time job in Salmiya, it is a good idea to start by creating a resume that highlights your relevant skills and experience. You can then search online job boards or classified ads, or contact local employment agencies to find openings. Networking with friends, family, and colleagues can also be an effective way to find job opportunities. When applying for a part-time job, be sure to tailor your application to the specific position and company, and be prepared to attend a job interview if invited.
Working a part-time job in Salmiya can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. In addition to earning extra income and gaining valuable work experience, you can also make a positive impact on the lives of others and contribute to your community. Whether you are just starting your career or looking to change careers, a part-time job can provide a flexible and rewarding path to success.
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Part-Time Job Opportunities in Salmiya: A Sampling of What’s Available
The city of Salmiya, Kuwait offers a wide range of part-time job opportunities for those seeking flexible and rewarding employment. Some examples of industries that may offer part-time jobs in Salmiya include:
- Customer service: Part-time customer service jobs may be available in retail stores, restaurants, or other businesses that serve customers. These jobs may involve assisting customers with inquiries or complaints, processing transactions, and handling returns or exchanges.
- Retail: Part-time retail jobs may be available in department stores, specialty stores, or other retail establishments. These jobs may involve assisting customers, restocking shelves, and maintaining a clean and organized store.
- Foodservice: Part-time food service jobs may be available in restaurants, cafes, or other food establishments. These jobs may involve preparing and serving food, taking orders, and maintaining a clean and organized work environment.
- Education: Part-time education jobs may be available in schools or other educational institutions. These jobs may involve teaching or tutoring students, grading papers, or providing administrative support.
- Healthcare: Part-time healthcare jobs may be available in hospitals, clinics, or other healthcare facilities. These jobs may involve working as a nurse, medical assistant, or other health care professional.
There are many other industries that may offer part-time job opportunities in Salmiya, and the specific duties and responsibilities of each job will vary depending on the employer and the position. If you are seeking a part-time job in Salmiya, it is a good idea to search online job boards, classified ads, or employment agencies to find openings that match your skills and experience.
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morning part time jobs in kuwait salmiya
KDDB General Trading & Contracting is a well-respected company that specializes in earthmoving equipment in Safat Square. They are currently seeking a talented and motivated Sales Representative to join their team on a part-time basis. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone with a strong background in sales and a passion for the earthmoving industry more details are provided here:
- Application Process: You must create an Indeed account before continuing to the company website to apply.
- Duties & Responsibilities: Responsibilities related to the sales of earthmoving equipment.
- Knowledge / Skills / Experience: A Minimum of 5 years of sales experience in the earthmoving industry, Proven track record and ability in building and maintaining strong customer relationships, Good communication skills, Knowledge of earthmoving machinery, and Knowledge of English and Arabic Language.
evening part time jobs in salmiya
Evening part-time jobs in Salmiya, Kuwait can provide a flexible and convenient way to earn additional income while still having time for other commitments. These types of jobs may be available in a variety of industries, such as retail, customer service, hospitality, food service, or housemaids like the offers below:
- An evening part-time housemaid job is currently available in Salmiya Block 10. The family, located near Salmiya Garden Biryani House, is seeking a maid to work from 5 pm to 6 pm. If you are interested in this opportunity and possess the necessary skills and experience, please don’t hesitate to contact the employer at 97291622.
- A Tamil family living in Mangaf Block 4, Street 24 is seeking a part-time housemaid to join them. They prefer to hire a South Indian or Sri Lankan candidate who is skilled in cleaning, washing, ironing, and one-time cooking. The housemaid will work for 2 hours in the evening on a daily basis and can start immediately. For those who are interested in this opportunity and meet the requirements, please contact the family at 55687061 to apply. The salary for this position is between 35-40 Kd. Don’t miss out on this chance to join a small and friendly family as their part-time housemaid.
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part time jobs in kuwait salmiya restaurant
Part-time jobs in the restaurant industry in Salmiya, Kuwait can be a great opportunity for those looking to gain experience and build their skills in the culinary field. These types of jobs may include positions such as:
- A well-known restaurant in Salmiya, Kuwait is seeking an experienced Shawarma, Mashavi, and Grill Cook to join their team. The successful candidate will have a strong background in these types of dishes and will be able to work a 10-hour shift. This position is only open to those with a Visa 18 Ahli and immediate availability to start work. If anyone meets these requirements and is interested in this opportunity, please contact the employer at 6508 6106 via WhatsApp to apply. The salary for this position is KWD 350.
- An entrepreneur in Sharq, Kuwait is urgently seeking a Line Cook with burger experience to join their team. The ideal candidate will be of Asian nationality, with a preference for Indian, Nepalese, or Filipino applicants. Both males and females are welcome to apply for this position. The Line Cook must have a transferable visa and be able to start work immediately. A minimum of 1 year of experience in burger concept restaurants in Kuwait is required. The salary for this position is between 300-320 KD, depending on the candidate’s experience.
indian kuwait part time job salmiya
Although it may be challenging to find part-time work in Kuwait, it is not an impossible task. Many Indian residents and students in Kuwait often work multiple jobs at the same time to keep up with the high cost of living or save on study expenses. There are a variety of part-time job opportunities available in Kuwait, including positions such as:
- Customer Service Representative.
- Food Server or Bartender.
- Tutor or Teaching Assistant.
- Retail Salesperson.
- Event Staff or Promotional Model.
- Data Entry Clerk.
- Receptionist or Office Assistant.
- Delivery Driver.
- Fitness Instructor or Personal Trainer.
- Photographer or Videographer.
- On-Call Destination Consultant.
- Red Bull Student Marketeer.
- Sales Associate.
- Site Office Manager.
- Graphic Designer.
- Computer Technician.
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part time driver jobs in kuwait salmiya
Many companies in Kuwait, particularly oil companies, are in need of skilled and experienced part-time drivers to join their teams. These companies are looking for applicants who meet the following criteria:
- At least two years of driving experience
- Age 35 or under
- High school diploma or higher
- GCC or Kuwait driving experience (preferred)
- Physical fitness
- Passed the HD Driver Trade test
- Valid driver’s license
There is a high demand for part-time drivers in Kuwait, regardless of nationality. If anyone meets these requirements and is interested in pursuing a career as a part-time driver in Kuwait, we encourage him to search for job openings and apply to positions that match his skills and experience.
In conclusion, there are several options for finding part time job in salmiya, including searching online job boards or classified ads, contacting local businesses or staffing agencies, or networking with others to learn about potential opportunities.
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